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Home » Blog » FieldSENSE 2.0 Personal RF Monitor


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FieldSENSE 2.0 Personal RF Monitor

There are many jobsite hazards that tower climbers experience every day. Our goal here at GME Supply is to make sure that we provide you with the tools and information you need to stay safe. One hazard that can sneak by, because it is invisible, is radio frequency (RF) waves. These invisible waves can wreak havoc on your body and health. But don’t worry; GME Supply’s got you covered. This week we are going to talk about the FieldSense 2.0 Personal RF Monitor.

FieldSense 2.0 Personal RF Monitor

  This second generation RF monitor is the latest and greatest in RF protection. It has been specifically designed to protect you when you’re working around broadcast and telecom antennas. With a frequency range of 50 MHZ to 6 GHZ, you're covered no matter the situation. This is a huge upgrade from the previous model which measured from 380 MHZ to 2.7 GHZ. The 2.0 also measures both E and H fields to accurately assess the entire exposure situation.

Packed with Features

  The FieldSENSE 2.0 has some really cool features. The data logging feature captures all of your measurements and records them on the device. Then, using a PC, a USB cable, and the free software provided by FieldSENSE you can access them later. The device is also isotropic which means it measures all radiation from all angles. It is designed to be worn on your body, and the unique attachment device makes it easy to secure on your harness, keeping it out of the way of your work, and your climbing. Another great feature is voice notes. You can actually speak into the device and record specific information like an antenna serial number or specific measurements. Then you can access them later for documentation. It also has a fall detection alarm, so when a fall occurs, it sounds an alarm. This is both to alert other climbers that the device is falling, or if you drop it off the tower, it makes it so it's easy to find on the ground. It is super rugged. In fact, it's made out of the same stuff that riot shields are made out of. And it’s weather resistant. The device is powered by two AAA batteries which are included. And it comes in a nice zipper case for easy transport and protection.


  The 2.0 RF Monitor is a highly technical machine that you rely on to be extremely accurate. Because of the need for this accuracy, the monitor needs to be calibrated by the date on the sticker located on the bottom of the device. The recalibration process is easy and ensures that your device is accurate so you can stay safe on the job. When a recalibration is required simply fill out this form and follow the instructions. Once we receive your device, we send it to the original manufacturer in Capetown, South Africa to be recalibrated. We immediately send you a recalibrated unit we have on site to replace the one you sent us, so you don't have to worry about long shipping times and can continue to be safe while on the job. Have a question about the FieldSENSE 2.0 or the recalibration process? Click here to speak with one of our Gear Experts®.  

FieldSENSE 2.0 Personal RF Monitor


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