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Standard Fall Arrest Rescue

Standard fall arrest rescue Fall arrest rescue is something that we should all plan for. While we would like to live in a world where we never have to worry about accidents happening, sometimes that just isn’t the case. We do, however, live in a world where OSHA requires that a rescue plan is in place. For more about 1926.502(d)(20), the OSHA standard that outlines rescue click here. So, how do you perform a proper fall arrest rescue? Our Gear Experts® have put together a guide for the versatile standard pick off style rescue.  


  The first step in any rescue is to set your anchorage point. After all, you have to be able to use both of your hands and still be secured in order to help rescue the victim. Remember that you should be above the victim at this point. The next thing you want to do is get your descent device rigged up and descend down to your victim. You should still be above them, but be close enough that you can reach their dorsal D-ring. Once you reach the victim make sure that you put your descender in the locked position.  

Hook up haul system

  Aztek haul system     The next step is to hook up a haul system to the victim. We have a range of different haul systems to choose from, but a minimum of a 4 to 1 haul system is recommended so that it can be used no matter how heavy the victim is. Some haul systems come pre-rigged. However, it is important to check the system and make sure that it is rigged correctly before going to the job-site. The next step is to hook the carabiner on the haul system to the dorsal D-ring on the victim and securely lock the carabiner. Next, hook a pick-off strap to the dorsal D-ring of the victim and make sure everything is secure.      

Descent & Completing the Rescue

  Deluxe Rescue Kit Once the haul system and pick-off strap are hooked to the victim the next step is to use the haul system to lift the victim up enough to create slack in the connection point to what they are hanging off of. The pick-off strap should already be connected to your descender, but if it isn’t, make sure to do this. Remove the slack from the pick-off strap and disconnect the victim from whatever they fell on. Lower the weight off of the haul system and unhook the system. The final step is to lower yourself and the victim down to safety. Remember that if the victim is injured or unconscious you should have someone below help guide them to the ground and disconnect them from the pick-off strap before you get to the ground. Looking for a complete rescue kit? Look no further. We have a variety of pre-assembled rescue kits that you can find here. If you need something custom, or just have some questions please contact one of our Gear Experts®.   **The content of this blog is not intended to replace proper, in-depth fall protection and rescue training. Formal training is provided by a qualified instructor and includes presentations and evaluation of required skills. Manufacturer’s instruction must also be followed and reviewed before any fall protection equipment is used. For more information on formal training please click here.

Standard Fall Arrest Rescue


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