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Carabiners & Connectors
Tower Climbing Carabiners & Hardware
When it comes to climbing towers the hardware you choose is extremely important. When your life's on the line you want to know that the carabiners & hardware you are using is top quality. Our Gear Experts® have spent years sourcing the best hardware. From carabiners and connector packages to spreader bars, snap hooks, and rebar hooks our selection of carabiners and hardware have you covered no matter what job you’ve got coming.
Which carabiner is right for you? Let’s outline the carabiner features so you can pick the best hardware for the job. First, we are going to look at ANSI standards. The ANSI Z359.12-2009 standard for carabiners requires that a carabiners major access point have a strength of 5,000 pounds. The gate face, sideload, and minor access strength must be at least 3,600 pounds.
Next, we will outline the different carabiner gate mechanisms. The three main styles are screw-lock, twist-lock, and auto-lock.
The screw-lock operates by unscrewing the sleeve down the gate to open. This gate will not auto-lock, as the sleeve has to be manually tightened after the gate snaps shut.
The twist-lock is a double action gate that quickly opens with a simple twist and pull movement.
The auto-lock is a three-stage design as it requires 3 different motions to open. First, you pull the sleeve down, then twist, then pull back to open. Some carabiners only twist one direction, while others can twist left or right.
For more information on how carabiner gate mechanisms work check out our knowledge base.
Our tower climbing hardware selection includes separator bars, snap hooks, and rebar hooks.
Let’s start by looking at certifications. Like carabiners, snaphooks, rebar hooks, and separator bars must meet the ANSI Z359.12-2009 standard. This standard requires that the major access point must have a strength of 5,000 pounds. The gate face, sideload, and minor access strength must be at least 3,600 pounds.
Separator bars are great for positioning and providing relief on the hips and waist during a long day of climbing. Snaphooks and rebar hooks server similar purposes to carabiners and come in a range of different sizes. Which of these devices is right for you? That depends on the job at hand.
Need help finding the perfect carabiner, hardware, or have questions? Click here to chat with one of our Gear Experts®.